Workshops To be announced very soon

Delegates who are interested in the submission of a short-paper, please inquire the respective workshop chair.
Workshop Chair Cochair
Teaching undergraduates in rural practice John Wynn-Jones
Vjekoslava Amerl Sakic
Training for rural practice Jaume Banque Vidella
Natasa Mrduljas Dujic
CPD for rural practice Tanja Pekez-Pavlisko
Jadranka Ban
Training for emergencies and Out of Hours Oleg Kravtchenko
Željko Gumzej
Interprofessional Learning (IPE) in Rural Practice Jane Randall-Smith
Ines Balint
Rural Education Research and developing a rural academic base Christos Lionis
Aleksandar Ljubotina
The contribution of education to recruitment and retention Jose Lopez Abuin
Dijana Ramic Severinac
Developing higher qualifications in rural practice and rural health Agnes Simek
Mario Malnar, Ljiljana Cenan
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