Poster Submission Info
Moderated Posters Session
Presented in a poster format in the poster area, these posters will be show-cased during inter-session breaks. Two moderators will conduct the session and allow 5 minutes for each presenter to give an overview of the research. Posters are then available for further consultation by the audience during the duration of two day poster session.
Poster Session
Research is presented as a Poster - on display for two days - to allow sufficient viewing time and interaction opportunities in this very dynamic and person to person format. The place to meet colleagues and peers and specifically address issues related to your daily practice / field of interest / research. The poster area is given a central place in the congress centre to enhance visibility of research presented.
Guidelines for Submission
Before you begin, please prepare the following information:
- Presenting author's contact details
- Name and Last Name
- Full postal address
- Hospital / Institution
- Phone number
- Email address
- Co-authors' details (up to 5 co-authors)
- Name and Last Name
- Hospital / Institution
- Poster title - limited to 20 words in UPPER CASE
- Poster text – limited to 250 words
(Please Note: Word count is affected when graphs/tables/images are added) - Deadline for poster submisson: April 15th
- Poster size: 90cm (high) x 60cm
- Poster layout - Poster should use the following structured format:
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Aims
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusions
- Poster topic – Posters must be allocated to a specific topic for the Scientific Programme:
- Teaching undergraduates in rural practice
- Training for rural practice
- CPD for rural practice
- Training for emergencies and Out of Hours
- Interprofessional Learning (IPE) in Rural Practice
- Rural Education Research and developing a rural academic base
- The contribution of education to recruitment and retention
- Developing higher qualifications in rural practice and rural health
- Miscellaneous themes regarding rural medicine
Allowed formats are: JPG/JPEG?, PDF?, PPT? and maximum file size is 20 MB.
Poster file name must contain only small caps a-z characters, 0-9 numbers and no space. Instead of space use underscore _ (standard file name rules apply). Look at some examples bellow:
Correct: poster_acute_abdomen_1_from_john_doe.jpg
Wrong: Poster Acute Abdomen #1 From Jöhn Doé!.JPG